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Mosaic | Brazil | Natural



Tasting Notes black: Fudge, Macadamia, Milk chocolate

Tasting Notes with milk: Caramel, Brownie, Nutty

Process: Natural

Varietal: Mixed

Altitude: 1000 - 1500 MASL

Origin: Brazil 

About Mosaic:

Mosaic is our 'House coffee'

This could be a blend or a more robust single origin.

The aim with Mosaic is to offer a coffee of which the flavour profile remains the same all year round even if the components change ever so slightly.

Mosaic will offer a layered and full bodied espresso or filter brew and will always shine through any milk based drink.

Our current coffee under the 'Mosaic' name tag is a full flavoured Brazilian from the Cerrado, minas Gerais region. A vast tropical savannah in the centre of Brazil.

Regular price £8.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £8.00 GBP
Sale Sold out
Tax included.
Whole Bean or Ground

Shipping Days

We ship all our orders out on Wednesday. So orders on Thursday-Monday will not be processed until the following Wednesday.

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